9 Things Moms Hate About Thanksgiving

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Hosting a Thanksgiving for many people is an ordeal. It's a big production with; cleaning, shopping, preparation, cooking all day, serving, eating, not relaxing, clean up and more clean up.  And it feels like you're the only one doing all the work at times, when the rest of the family gets to sit and relax all day.

1. Battling the Crazies At the Grocery Store. It never fails that no matter how well a grocery list for “Thanksgiving Dinner Necessities” is planned, SOMETHING will be forgotten… this will inevitably lead to fighting it out with every other person who has forgotten items for their Thanksgiving Feast at the Grocery Store, Costco, or (God help you) Walmart, the Night Before Thanksgiving. It’s basically a warm-up exercise for Black Friday with gallons of milk and Butterball turkeys being snatched up instead of televisions and Hello Kitty sleeping bags (at 75% off!). 2.

2. Kids Who Don’t Care About Watching The Macy’s Parade. I absolutely LOVE the Macy’s Parade every Thanksgiving Morning…. I think a lot of women do. No matter how hard I try, I can never get my kids to watch more than one dance number and a few floats IF I’m lucky. I used to just watch it alone, and they would go play/ wreck another part of the house, but now they complain about watching something else. NO, ANGRY LITTLE PEOPLE…. It’s YOUR fault that you can’t appreciate the majesty of a ginormous Snoopy and the Rockettes. I pity you, and you will not play XBox on this TV until I have had my fill.

3. Too Many Cooks in the Kitchen. While cooking with the ones you love can be lots of fun at times, when you pack more than two hustling, bustling women in ONE KITCHEN, all attempting to accomplish different tasks, needing to use the same appliances, criticizing each others spice choices and so on, things can get pretty stressful in a hurry. Moms are used to being able to kick their kids out of the kitchen… you can’t very well tell your cousins and great-aunt to JUST LEAVE, especially if it’s not even your kitchen.

4. Making Plates For All of the Kids. After attempting to cook in the sweltering kitchen, amid the chaos, and smelling the amazing food for hours as it cooked, Moms are faced with another Holiday-feasting blunder; the preparing of plates of food for their kids. If you have multiple kids, as I do, you can forget making your own plate at the same time as you prepare theirs, which means you will likely miss out on some of the most delicious dishes that always run out early.

To read the rest of the 9 things from ScaryMommy's awesome article, go here:

9 Things Moms Hate About Thanksgiving


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