9 Reasons Why I Love Taking My Kids To See Santa…..Not!

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Taking the kids to see Santa at the mall is not something I participate in EVERY year. I believe my children should experience it at least a couple times during their young childhood and this Christmas was one of those times. As a Mom, I want to give my kids a magical experience this time of year, and I love to see their excitement and joy. Telling them that we were going to visit Santa this past Saturday was no exception, AND I was reminded of all the reasons why I just looove taking my kids to see him….Not!

1. I love the that every other Mother and Father in town were there with their 3 kids too. It's so heartwarming. Yeah right! I thought I would be smart and get to the mall early. So did they.

2. I love waiting in line so that my kids can be rushed to sit on a strange man's lap, tell him what they want, and capture a picture all in a matter of 58.9 seconds. HELLO! I stood in your ridiculously looooong line and stupidly will pay your ridiculously high prices. Where's the Christmas courtesy? A few more seconds is all I'm asking for.

3. I Iove that I got to pay $17.53 for ONE 5×7 picture. Isn't that a steal?! Due to my complaint in #2, one child is not even looking at the camera and either is Santa. I'm just glad it was such a great deal….not!

4. I love that the line was 2 hours long. It gave us time to make new friends and teach our children the virtue of patience. I just adore a good learning opportunity, don't you? Ha!

5. I love that my kids were soooo excited to see Santa. That is until about half way through, when they noticed the mini train ride through the doors outside, and were willing to ditch the old man for a train ticket. NO WAY! Too much of Mommy and Daddy's time has already been invested in this craziness to give up now.

6. I love that the brilliant mall people put a mini train ride in clear view of the children waiting in line to see Santa. I additionally love that once my children discovered it, I had to endure whining, complaining and non stop asking of WHY they can't just go on the freaking train! Thanks brilliant marketing mall people, thanks.

7. I love that as we made it closer to the big event my daughter told me what she was going to ask Santa for. To my horror, it was NOT what has already been purchased as the coveted “Santa” gift. Thankfully with a calm and collected reminder from me, she cheerfully obliged with a, “Oh yeah, I really want that too!” Whew!

8. I love that when we were FINALLY third from the front, one of Santa's helpers informed us that Santa would be taking his 15 minute break. Are you kidding me?! I totally get that Santa needs a break, but really?! There's got to be a way to bring in an alternate.  Longest 15 minutes of my life!

9. I love that when it was our turn, my youngest (who was the most excited by the way) was suddenly scared and refused to sit on the strange old man's lap. Oh no you don't! That damn train came in handy for something….bribery works every time!

Written By: Kelly Loya Perez

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