8 Signs Of Sisterly Love

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My sister is my best friend. I mean, who else knows you better then your own sister? That's why I was ecstatic when when I got pregnant with my second daughter.  I knew my girls would be able to make everlasting memories and grow an unbreakable bond. Sisterhood isn't always easy, but it's sure worth it! Growing up with a sister definitely has its peaks and valleys and as a Mom of sisters, I'm being reminded of just how loving sisters can be along the journey. Here's 8 signs of sisterly love that my girls display on any given day.

1. Ultimatums.

One sister to the other- “I'm not playing with you unless…!” (Fill in the blank; ie. I get to be the princess; You let me go first; I can use the pink jump rope; etc). Amongst others, ultimatums in my house are a daily occurrence. I can really feel the love with these!

2. The guilty conscience.

Big sister comforts little sister when little sister gets in trouble. Usually instigated by big sister! Go figure! Big sisters can be so bratty. At least I can rest assured she has a heart.

3. Bedtime snuggles.

I traded in their full size bed for bunk beds, because they hated sharing. Now, more nights than not, I find them spooning in the bottom bunk. Girls, so indecisive! 😉

4. Sharing is caring….sometimes.

What's mine is mine; and what's yours is ours. The sharing concept is not always observed, yet they always manage to get the best of both worlds. #sistercode

5. If you can't beat 'em, join 'em.

No matter how much he taunts and teases, big brother is the coolest cat around.  Likewise, sisterly love doesn't go without super annoying antics and tattling of course! The truest sign of a sister's (and brother's) adoration.

6. Forgiveness.

The term, “you're mean,” translates to, “you're not giving me what I want or doing what I want you to do, but in about 30 seconds I'm going to forget about it and we're gonna keep playing.” Seriously, sister's can't stay mad at each other. What fun is that?!

7. Anything you can do I can do better!

A little friendly competition is good for the soul. But not so much for Mom's nerves. My girls are no stranger to one uppers, but they can also be each other's biggest fan.

8. Leave me alone! But not for too long…

My girls play very well together, but like sisters do, they sometimes butt heads. All of a sudden one wants nothing to do with the other. As soon as one is gone to a friends for the day, the other longs for her sister's company. They love to annoy each other, but they can't get enough of each other!

Written By: Kelly Loya Perez

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