7 Milestones Of A Mommy

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How many of these were on your countdown?

1. The day your baby takes over as paci-master. For the first few months, YOU are in charge of popping that thing back in every single time it falls out, whether it’s 3pm or 3am. And it falls out a lot. The day your baby reaches out, grasps the pacifier and puts it in her own mouth is one for the books.

2. The day you change your first huge poop blowout away from home. There’s something that changes in you the first time you unintentionally slide your hand into a huge pile of sticky, gummy poo with no sink or soap anywhere in sight. At first, you’re paralyzed, mouth wide open, breath held. Then you say things like uhhhhhhhhh and ummmmmm and other things that make absolutely no sense but buy your mind some critical time to process what has just went down. And when it does, you will turn from a deer in headlights into a steely-eyed cross between MacGyver and Harvey Keitel in Pulp Fiction and you will figure it out. And you will never be the same.

3. The day the spit up stops. Not being barfed on 100 times a day is a beautiful thing. I’m sure not barfing 100 times a day is too.

4. The day you realize your baby won’t break. Anyone who has tried to dress or bathe a baby in the first month of life knows exactly what I’m talking about. The moment when you realize you just washed your baby’s hair or whipped a shirt over her head without even thinking, you know you’ve got this.

5. The day you can carry your baby on your hip. Those early weeks between birth and head control can be agonizing. Your life will change the day you can fling that child up to the good ol’ hip you’ve been building your whole life.

6. The day your baby  throws her first all-i-want-to-do-is-dance-all-night party. Hooray! Your baby can now pull herself up. She just can’t let herself down. But hey, you can, so why not do it all night long?

7. The day you actually stop worrying about whether or not the baby is breathing. Oh, wait. That never happens. Sorry.

You can check out the rest of this list on Baby Center. When you're finished, leave a comment and add to the list.

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