7 Cervical Cancer Warning Signs You Need To Know

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The writers at Family Share understand that cervical cancer occurs all too often and many women don't know which precautions to take to avoid contracting this cancer.

Few women know what signs to look for, signs that might alert them to a problem in the early stages.  Catching cervical cancer early greatly increases a woman's chances of successful treatment and survival.

Contact your doctor if you notice:

1. Pain or bleeding

Cervical cancer grows on the walls of the cervix which can dry out and even crack, causing discomfort and bleeding. There may also be rectal or bladder bleeding. Any bleeding outside your menstrual period should be investigated.

2. Anemia

If your eating habits have not changed and you still feel fatigued, or if your heart speeds up after normal exertion, you may have symptoms of anemia. Anemia can be caused by abnormal bleeding, which often accompanies cervical cancer.

3. Urinary problems

As the cervix swells, the bladder and kidneys may be compressed, obstructing the passage of urine. As a result, you may not be able to completely empty your bladder, causing pain and/or a urinary tract infection.

4. Weight loss

Most forms of cancers decrease or even suppress appetite. The swelling of the cervix can compress the stomach, resulting in decreased appetite and weight loss.

Please note that these symptoms do not necessarily signify cervical cancer. Only a doctor can make a diagnosis. There are risk factors for developing HPV, and can be contracted by both men and women.

Remember: factors like smoking, having multiple sexual partners, and low immunity can increase your risk of contracting HPV, the most common cause of cervical cancer.

Also, getting a yearly pap smear as a preventative measure is a good idea to help lower your risks of contracting cervical cancer.

To see the rest of the 7 warning signs you must pay attention to, check out the complete list of cervical cancer warning signs at Family Share.

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