6 Things I Love And Hate About Christmas

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This time of year is bittersweet for me. Just when I feel like I've recovered from last Christmas, the jolly man in a red suit is among us again! Yet, I can't help but get caught up in the moment, and find joy in what the season has to offer. Most importantly I love to make it special and memorable for my kids. There are several things about Christmas that make me cringe and warm my heart all at the same time. Here are 6 things that I love and hate about this time of year.

1. I love to have a Christmas-y house in December. I hate the set up and take down. It's sooooo much work for 4 weeks of Christmas cheer, but my kids deserve it. Yes, they drove me crazy most of the year, but I still go out of my way to make it as magical as possible. I sort of get why some people leave their Christmas lights up year round. My OCD tendencies would NEVER allow me to partake in such an act, but I kinda get it.

2. I love the spirit of giving. I hate that every little Christmas get-together requires a gift. Yes, I understand that it's only a $20 limit, but I have 3 kids.That's $60 a pop! Can't we just drink some cocoa, eat some cookies and enjoy the company? I don't mean to sound like a scrooge, but gift giving should not be the main focus (but once again, I'll do it for the kids).

3. I love all the fun festivities to participate in. I hate that every weekend is jam packed with festivities. Whether it's baking at Grandma's, picking out our tree, or attending one of several parties, it's A LOT! As much as I enjoy it, I can't wait until it's all over!

4. I love the 3 weeks my kids get off school to enjoy the season. I hate the 3 looooong weeks my kids get off school to get on my nerves. It's always nice to have a break from the carpool and homework. But it's not so nice to listen to arguing and constant whining. The perk of this time of year….”Santa is watching!”

5. I love to eat all holiday goodies, sweet and savory. I hate that my favorite jeans feel a little tighter come January. We all know that during the holidays it's super hard to resist one more cookie or refrain from that second glass of eggnog. I guess the diet starts with the New Year (or in April).

6. I love finding the perfect gift for a loved one. I hate that I also find the perfect gift for myself! Why is it that whenever I'm shopping for the ones closest to me, I find the perfect pair of boots that come with the perfect price just right for ME?! I was a good girl this year, I mean, my kids are still alive. That deserves a gift, right?

7. I truly love the Christmas Season. I hate the fact that I can find things I hate about it. Guess I'm going to have to pour another glass of wine and get over it. Happy Holidays!

What do you love and hate about the holidays? I'd love to hear in the comments below 😉

Written By: Kelly Loya Perez

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