5 Reasons Why I Need My Husband

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In an article for Family Share, Courtney Erickson writes about why she truly and desperately needs her husband.  I can totally relate!

Once I married, I began to rely on my husband for so many things that I use to do myself. Even after five years of marriage, those feelings haven't changed. In fact, I realize I need him more than ever.

Ladies, I am so blessed! My husband spoils me. He takes care of things that I'm not good at and things I just plain don't like to do without complaint every single day.  He does things like balance the check book, walk the dogs when it's cold or dark, and cut the grass. I don't even know how to work the lawnmower!

He is my decision maker

We each face hundreds of decisions every single day. Some of those choices are large and life-changing while others do not make any difference. However, when those big decisions come that affect yourself or someone in your family, you and your husband need to agree on a decision together. You need to create a partnership. If I could make all the decisions in my family, we'd constantly be on vacation, drowning in debt and not having any focus in life. Thank goodness for a husband to keep our family level-headed and on track.

I run everything by my husband, even when I already know the answer. Sometimes it just helps me to be decisive by hearing his opinon.

He is a place to vent

As a wife and a mom, it is easy to become irritated. It may be a rough day with the kids, or you may receive an unplanned bill. Whatever it may be, you need someone to vent to. You need someone to sit and listen as you complain about all the things that went wrong throughout the day or that are bothering you. He may not do much about it, but just getting it off your chest may be enough.

He is my best friend after all, so he's the perfect person to vent to. I know he will always have my back.

Read more about why Erickson says her husband is her joy & her future at Family Share. Then, brag about your husband in the comment section.


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