5 Lessons You Should Not Forget As A Mom

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How many of these lessons have you forgotten?

1. Trust your instincts.
From a young age, your gut will steer you in a very clear direction. Listen to it. It's your intuition, and nine times out of 10, it's right on. As you get older, though, you might push back against your better judgment — often because someone is trying to sway you, pressure you into a different way of thinking. It's important you don't back down from what you believe in.

2. Take risks . . . but understand the consequences.
Don't be afraid to take a leap. Just be prepared for what happens if you fall.

3. Never let anyone tell you you can't do something.
You might not notice it now, but at some point in your life, you'll begin to think that there's just certain things you can't do — only boys are good at that, only rich kids can have those, only popular girls go there — and it'll quickly become the standard way of thinking if you let it. Don't ever base your actions on the approval of others. You alone call the shots on what you can do.

4. Love freely.
Hearts that don't break don't love. A flower will wither, a beloved pet will get sick, and someday “The One” might not stay. Keep loving just the same.

5. Love your body.
It's the only one you've got. Treat it with respect — feed it healthfully, and it'll grow just as it should. If it's not what you wanted, if someone else's body seems better, get over it.

You can see the rest of this list on Pop Sugar. When you're finished, leave us a comment and share what important lesson you've relearned since becoming a mom.





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