4 Ways To Think Like A Professional Organizer…And Create A More Organized Home In The Process

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How many of these are you already doing?

1. They make their beds.

“Arguably the most important activity of the day, there's really no excusing this one. Bed making promotes productivity throughout the day and will pave the way for an organized lifestyle. Plus, it's a pleasure to get into a made bed at the end of a long day.”

2. They write out a to-do list.

“Take a few minutes in the morning to jot down your goals for the day. Having a concrete list will keep you on track throughout the day and give you a sense of accomplishment when tasks are completed.”

3. They tend to clothing as soon as they take it off.

“Hang, launder, or fold every garment and DO NOT let anything hit the floor. Neglected clothing can slowly build up and lead to an overwhelming mound.”

4. They wash the dishes.

“A sink full of dishes will make your entire kitchen feel and look messy. Get in the habit of washing dishes at the end of the day or at least soaking them so you can quickly wash them the next day.”

You can read the rest of this list on Good Housekeeping's website. When you're finished, leave a comment and share which of these you do every day.

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