4 Useful Stress Busters When You’re House Is Full Of Guests

Remember these tips and actually try them out the next time you are stressed out with lots of things to do! You may be surprised with how well they work!

Brew a cup of tea.
A few sips of a calming blend could be key to unwinding in the midst of craziness. University of London researchers found that study participants who drank tea were able to de-stress more quickly than those who drank a tea substitute, and those who specifically drank black tea had lower levels of cortisol after participating in “stressful” events. If black tea isn’t your favorite, go for green—one small study found a link between a compound in green tea and a reduction in heart rate and overall stress when exposed to stressful situations.

Lauren Miller, author of 5 Minutes to Stress Relief, says the purpose of any stress-relieving task is that it “distracts us from the brain muck, and gives us a brain break.” Even if your tea choice isn’t scientifically backed, the act of brewing and sipping can be enough to take your mind away from family tension.

Laugh about it.
The experts all agree: Finding a way to laugh is one of the easiest ways to sidestep holiday stress. But you can’t just chuckle to yourself—it has to be real, mirthful laughter. In one study, Midwestern patients who underwent “laughter therapy” had lower levels of self-reported stress.

How does it work? According to the Mayo Clinic, laughter activates and relieves your stress response, releases endorphins, and soothes tension. Keep a playlist of YouTube videos that never fail to crack you up, and turn to them in those moments when you’re ready to pull out your hair.

Hug it out.
One UNC study showed that hugging and “warm contact” led to lower blood pressure and heart rate compared to adults who were part of a “no contact” control group. The benefits are likely due tooxytocin, the “bonding hormone,” which has also been linked to lower blood pressure and cortisol levels.

“Two of our basic needs as humans are to feel safe and connected,” Miller says. “When we feel safe and connected, our entire perception of the world shifts.”

Count your breaths.
Breathing is one of the body’s most effective stress relievers—but not just any breathing. We’re talking cleansing breaths.

Greenstein has a trick to ensure you’re taking deep, full breaths. Put one hand on your chest, and one on your abdomen, and take a breath. If the hand over your chest begins to rise, you’re taking shallow breaths. Practice until you’re pushing the hand over your abdomen—then begin taking slow, deliberate breaths. “If you feel like a bad moment is coming on, you know that it’s time for your cleansing breaths,” says Greenstein.


For more great tips on relieving stress for the Holidays, click here to read more of where this came from, Real Simple.com!

4 Useful Stress Busters When You're House Is Full Of Guests




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