4 Tips To Survive For Your Husband’s Holiday Party At Work

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Your husband has to go back to work with these people. Help him out by rocking it at the Christmas office party! Impress the socks off of him by knowing and doing the following:


Get the DL before you get there. Every office has its politics and power plays. On the drive in, I ask my husband to update me on any workplace disagreements, important personal achievements, or big work campaigns. This way I can keep up with the party chatter and make relevant small talk and congratulate Suzy on her promotion or James on the new addition to his family.

Dress appropriately. I see this faux pas every year at my husband’s holiday celebration. Yes, it’s a party, but it’s a party with your co-workers. That means nothing too tight, too short, or too low-cut. You can look hot but elegant. As for guys, it never hurts to dress up a little, even if your workplace dress code is casual. Some workplace holiday parties have a recommended dress code. Make sure to follow it.

Drink in moderation. The most popular spot at my husband’s work party is the bar. Even drinks are on the house, remember that you’re an extension of your spouse at the party. Don’t let any drunken shenanigans become the water cooler talk the next day. You don’t want to let it slip that your spouse dislikes a certain co-worker because the drinks loosened your tongue.

Don’t reveal too much personal information. Unless you trust the co-worker 100%, don’t reveal anything too personal about your marriage or family life. This all depends on your spouse’s work environment, of course.


These and more good tips come from MomTastic.com, to see more awesome tips for surviving his holiday parties, go here:

4 Tips To Prepare For Your Husband's Holiday Party At Work


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