4 Things I Should Do Everyday In Front Of My Kids

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I think the most important thing I want my kids to see me do every day is try.  I don't want to hide my failures from them, that would be dishonest and unrealistic.  I don't want perfection, that would be impossible.  I just want them to see that I am really trying with all that I've got to be the best mom I can be for them.

Victoria, author of the Creative Home Keeper blog, has written a list of 10 things she wants her kids to see her do everyday. Here are just a few:


1. Loving their Father

My marriage is the most important relationship. Solid marriages also provide stability for children too. I want my kids to see what a Godly marriage looks like and the friendship that exists between husband and wife. My husband and I have a relationship I pray that they will have with their future spouses one day.

I want them to see us flirting with one another, respecting one another, supporting one another and even see conflict and resolution between us so they have a healthy example of conflict resolution. I don’t want them to see me complaining about or talking disrespectfully about him in front of them.

Simple things such as telling them how great Daddy is or explaining why I’m cooking one of his favorite meals are examples of showing my kids how much I love their father.

2. Working

Some day my sons and daughter will live on their own and probably have a family. They need to know the value of work, both inside of the home and out. As much as I would love to spend every single moment of every single day sitting beside them reading and playing together… there is a house to run and maintain.

I’ve been starting to introduce chores to them and about how to pitch in and help around the house. If I want them to actually help with the day to day tasks of cleaning then they need to see me doing it too. Just as in any learning situation, I am their first teacher and this includes things of the domestic nature.

I want both my sons and my daughter to know how to maintain a house which includes the cleaning and cooking. They also watch my husband do the yard work and several other home improvement tasks.

Along with modeling household tasks, I want to model a strong work ethic too. They will be in school soon and someday will hold a job. There are just basic life skills and responsibilities kids need to learn and who better to learn them then from home?

3. Smile and Laugh

My personality tends to lean towards the more serious side when I have tasks to be completed. It’s easy for me to get so caught up in my chores and tasks that I forget to smile or stop and laugh at something silly.

I want my children to know I adore them and think they are fun. I want to stop and laugh at the adorable, silly and, sometimes, even downright annoying. I want our home to be be filled with love and laughter and often times that mood is created by me.

4. Being Present with them

As I mentioned above, it’s easy for me to get caught up with my daily to-do list that even though I’m in the same room with them, I’m not really present with them. There is a time for chores and completing tasks, they make the home run more smoothly, but there is also a time to put aside work and get down on the floor to play with them.

I want my kids to know I value them and I enjoy spending time with them. It’s also a good lesson to model balancing work and play.

In my world, being present is often difficult for me. I'm a busy work at home mom with two kids, I'm a daydreamer, and I'm constantly thinking of about 100 things at any given time. It's a constant battle for me to be present in the moment, but I'm trying.

What else do moms like Victoria want their kids to see them doing every day?  Find out at Creative Home Keeper. Then, tell us what you want your kids to see you doing in the comments.

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