3 Realistic Resolutions You Might Actually Keep

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Wendy Wisner, mom and author for Scary Mommy has put together an awesome list of 5 resolutions we might actually have a shot at keeping.

In fact, I just love her realistic attitude and healthy sense of humor about resolutions in general.

The problem is, since becoming a mom, it’s pretty darn hard to come up with resolutions that I can actually keep. Kids have a tendency to squash any well-laid plans to smithereens.

Isn't that the truth!  If there's one thing my kids are great at it's keeping me humble by switching up my plans at the last minute.

Now that I’m an older, wiser and more realistic mom, I know not to make resolutions that will be so easily broken. And I realize that in the grand scheme of things, things like perfect nutrition and neat houses don’t matter as much as happy moms and kids.

So here are some simple, realistic New Year’s resolutions that I think I can keep.

1. Laugh More

I have learned that there is no way to survive parenthood without a sense of humor. Oh, there are things to take seriously. And there are times you need to weep, or scream. But most of the time, you just need to laugh it off.

2. Judge Less

We keep hearing about “the mommy wars” and how much we mothers judge each other. But I think our biggest critics are ourselves. I constantly catch myself doing it.  We moms need to cut ourselves lots of extra slack. We’re all just doing our best with what we’ve got. Can’t we all just stop it with the negative thoughts and self-criticism?

3. Lower Expectations and Embrace the Chaos

I recently decided that Mondays are always going to suck. My kids get jolted by the early morning rush and the long day ahead of them. They are cranky, and so am I. So on Mondays, I don’t expect them to be perfect. I don’t make many plans. I don’t cook a gourmet meal. I don’t expect to do my most energetic and thoughtful parenting. I just aim to get through the day alive. Once I set the bar that low, I noticed that Mondays were suddenly easier and less stressful.  The same goes for every milestone and expectation you have. Expect your kids to do things their way, in their own time, and expect life to be a little crazy until they are much older.

If all else fails, just remember:

It won’t be perfect: Parenthood—and life for that matter—rarely is. But I think these are some realistic New Year’s resolutions I can keep.

Check out the rest of Wisner's totally doable New Year's resolutions from Scary Mommy and share your own resolution with the rest of us, whether it's realistic or idealistic, in the comment section. I can't wait to hear it!

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