12 Reasons Why Preschoolers Rock

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Do you think preschoolers rock?

1. They are honest. Want to know if your pants are too tight? Ask a preschooler. Want to know if you need an attitude adjustment? Ask a preschooler.

2. They trust. When you tell them you’re going to make something better, they believe you. When you tell them they’re the fastest runner in the world, they believe you.

3. They get excited. Isn’t it confusing to be around someone who never, ever, under no circumstances shows enthusiasm? With a preschooler, you know when they’ve bought in to a plan, and you can’t help but get excited with them.

4. They get it done. Try and stop a preschooler from building a rocket out of frying pans, we dare you.

5. They make friends faster than Super Glue sets. “Hi. My name is your next best friend. Let’s be princesses.” Easy.

6. They get over it. So maybe the battle is loud and the protest is intense, but when they’re over it, they’re over it. When was the last time they brought up “that time you didn’t let me wear my leotard to church”?

7. They accept you as you are. You’ll never hear them compare you to someone else’s mommy, or begin a conversation with “You know, you really ought to think about throwing those high heels out. They’re collecting dust, and it’s not like you’ll ever wear them again.” If anything, your preschooler is intrigued about the artifacts from a pre-preschool parent life.

8. They have epic memory retention and can help you find missing things. So what if they’re often the ones who’ve lost what you’re looking for? But they choose to use this super power sparingly. Sometime’s they’ve got it. Sometimes they don’t.

9. They laugh until they get hiccups, frequently. Was it a cartoon? Was it something the baby brother did? Who knows. Who cares. Preschooler laughter should be bottled for its medicinal value. It’s good for the soul.

10. They cry. When they’re sad, they cry. They don’t bottle it up. They don’t hit the freezer and wipe out a carton of Ben and Jerry’s. They cry. And they talk about it.

11. They want to be with you. Really, how cool is it that their numero uno desire isn’t the thing on the infomercial. It isn’t a better car or a bigger house. Preschoolers just want to hang. With you. Because they’re awesome.

12. They are helpful. Ish. Helpfulish. The will is there, even if the execution is sometimes flawed.

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