10 Tips To Host Thanksgiving Dinner Without Going Nutty

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Some of these tips are needed for large families coming over, and some of them are needed for anyone who is hosting a Thanksgiving period, regardless of the amount of family attending. Pick and choose which ones help you the most. And then, most importantly, enjoy your Thanksgiving! It only comes once a year! 🙂

1. Clean. And Then Let it Go. This is just something you have to come to terms with: No one cares about your cream-colored carpet as much as you do. Tiny tots will step on the cream-colored carpet and leave dirty footprints. Repeatedly. There will be spills, dirt, and fingerprints left on every surface. In preparation for our family reunion, we cleaned everything, even baseboards and refrigerator coils. I was so neurotic I painted all the white trim and the inside of a closet. When the guests arrived? Out came our favorite Frozen song: Let it go. What a shame it would be to let crumbs overshadow the great importance of families gathering. Houses are not museums. Guests don’t visit so they can judge your ceiling fixtures (though they might). They come to see you. My mother always said it was the feeling of a home that mattered far more than the stuff inside. Let it go.

2. Rent a porta-potty. Do it. It’s novel, exciting, and cleaner than you remember! Since I live out in the sticks, we have a septic tank. With so many people flushing, poop overload is a worry. The porta-potty turned out to be a brilliant septic solution and provided that one extra bathroom every family reunion needs.

3. Individual Space. We sure love each other, but we still need space. We assigned each family their own room using three bedrooms, the study, and the great outdoors. We borrowed and set up multiple tents outside. Tents are more weather-dependant than a house, but they were an especially fun (and needed) option for all the cousins.

4. A Big Chore Chart. As the host, it’s likely you’re doing the majority of the cooking. But you can certainly assign out table setting, water pouring, sweeping, and dishes. Avoid host burn out by delegating. It’s easy for women to be the martyr. Don’t be. It’s not impolite to ask for help; it’s smart. For me, a big visual chart is the best way to stay organized and accountable. Pair cousins together, offer small treats for best attitudes, and get everyone’s input. Then put that chart on the wall!

But wait, there's more! To see the rest of the 10 tips, continue on the next page, ScaryMommy.com has more where that came from!

10 Tips To Host Thanksgiving Dinner Without Going Nutty

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