10 Things That Are Mean To Say To A Breastfeeding Mom

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#1.  It’s not natural.

I wish I was making this up.  Really, I do.  Exasperated, the mother of a two month old told me about how her husband said this to her in the hospital after delivering their bundle of joy.  I was just as dumbfounded as she. What?!?!

There is NOTHING more natural than breastfeeding. There’s nothing wrong with formula if you need or want to use it, but I’m pretty sure even formula mommies can agree that breastfeeding is not unnatural.  The dictionary defines natural as an adjective meaning something based in nature and constituted by nature.  I don’t see any chimpanzees or elephants whipping up a bottle of formula for their little ones.  Rest assured breastfeeding is totally natural.

#2.  Those are for your husband.

My body belongs to me and no one else. Enough said?

#3.  Formula has more vitamins.

At this point, all the professionals agree that breast milk is best for baby.  Whenever possible, mothers should be encouraged to breastfeed and supported as they do it. Advice like this isn’t just false; it’s not at all helpful.

#4. You just want him to need you.

Babies need mommies whether they are breastfed or not.

Quite frankly, there are times I’d like for that sweet screaming angel to want someone other than me because I’m exhausted! He needs me. Get over it Great Aunt Helga.

#5. Breast pumping makes you look like a dairy cow.

There are moments when breastfeeding mothers feel like dairy cows. The depressing post-baby body isn’t really helping us feel less bovine either.  So if you could just keep the cow comments to yourself we’d all appreciate it. Pretty please with cherries on top.

#6. There’s no nutritional value past six months.

Studies have shown that any amount of breastfeeding is beneficial to babies.  In fact, the more breast milk the better! The American Academy of Pediatrics, the La Leche League, and the World Health Organization all agree that breastfeeding should continue for as long as mom and baby are comfortable.

Don’t worry mom. Feed that baby for as long as you want. It’s really okay.

As for the nutrition, it’s still there too. Babies (and even toddlers) get all kinds of good vitamins, nutrients, and immune system boosters from mom’s milk.

#7. Feeding him when he’s upset will teach him to be an emotional eater.

You’re kidding right?  I don’t believe that offering my infant the breast when he is inconsolable will drive him to stuff his face with jelly donuts for comfort as an adult.  I guess I could be wrong…. Nah, I don’t think so.

#8. You’re still doing that breastfeeding thing?

This might seem like an innocent question, but it really isn’t.  Asking if a mom is still breastfeeding when she clearly is can make her feel like she’s doing something wrong.  Some moms have even told me hearing this question too often led them to wean their little ones.

#9. Did you toughen your nipples yet?

You shouldn’t ask this or any other personal question like this that is clearly none of your business. Do I need to say more to show you what the problem with this question is? I hope not.

#10.  If you add cereal to his bottle, he will sleep through the night.

Sorry moms. Aside from being a bad idea, it doesn’t work.  If baby is too young to be eating food other than breast milk or formula, stay away from the cereal. How young is too young? Babies under six months should not be eating cereal or any other table foods.

Now that you are all laughing and shaking your heads, think about the crazy advice you’ve been given about breastfeeding.  I want to hear it.  Sometimes when you get “advice” like this, the only thing that helps is laughter. Let’s share and laugh together!

Written by: Sara Parise

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